Personal Loans

What is Peer to Peer Lending?

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
It would be an understatement to say that the Internet has changed the ways that we do a lot of things over the past two decades. The world of financial transactions have greatly changed as well – we can pay our bills online, transfer money to and from our accounts online, and trade stocks and mutual funds. What might have seemed unimaginable when we first started using the Internet is now commonplace. One of the recent developments in the financial realm is the advent of “peer-to-peer” lending websites. These websites enable people to borrow money from other...

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Are Car Payments Taking Over your Life?

Thursday, March 25th, 2010
Most people these days have at least one car to get around. When you are looking for ways to lower your household costs, people often forget that the car payment is also subject to change. Instead, we bear with it and try to make ends meet. On the other hand, you may have gotten a not so good deal in the first place. Your car payment may be almost as high as your mortgage. And, that’s for one car. Before you are reduced to tears, here is some advice to help you get through the crunch.
  • Consider refinancing. Many simply use...

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