Articles Tagged ‘debt’

Making Minimum Debt Payments
Monday, November 30th, 2009
minimum debt paymentsThere are few consumers who haven't heard the sage advice offered by those who are all too familiar with credit card debt. “Pay off your balance in full every month.” “Don't charge more than you could afford to pay cash for.” Or, “Never exceed half of your credit limit.” Following this advice will make your life much easier, not to mention less expensive. But not everyone follows it to the letter. Some charge a little more and a little more until they're in debt over their heads. Others are very careful to keep their debt at a manageable level, but they...

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Ten Ways to Help Get Out of Debt
Thursday, August 27th, 2009
getting out of debtGetting into debt is a very easy thing to do, especially in the current financial environment. But getting out of debt is much more difficult. When you let debt get out of control, it can take many years, and often many thousands of dollars, to get it all paid off. But if you have a plan, getting out of debt doesn't have to be too painful. Many of these items are very easy to do. You just need to focus some time and energy to help with your situation. Here are ten things you can do to pay off those bills...

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Renegotiating Your Debt
Monday, March 16th, 2009

With personal bankruptcy and household debt at record levels many people are reaching out for help with their debt. Many are looking to use debt-counseling companies that charge fees and promise to make creditors go away, but some of these companies are counseling their clients to ruin. The Federal Trade Commission last year censured several companies that falsely claimed that they can reduce their clients’ debt by up to 60%. Some of the companies advised their customers to stop paying their bills without informing them that they can be sued by the creditors. Several also claimed that they could help repair...

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